Friday, October 10, 2008

Kid Tag

Kid Tag

I saw this elsewhere and thought it would be fun. Man we had some serious laughs during this!!

About Mom!

1. What does Mom always say to you?

Mackenzie-I Love You & Not So Loud
Kylie-I Love You & Stop being a Monkey (I said it for

2. What makes Mom happy?

Mackenzie- Me being good
Kylie-(gives me a kiss) yep that makes me happy

3. What makes Mom sad?

Mackenzie- Daddy being gone
Kylie- (too little to understand)Drew being gone and when the girls are upset or hurt

4. How does Mom make you laugh?

Mackenzie- Tickling Me
Kylie- (too little) but she is very tickleish

5. How Old Is Mom?

Kylie- (too little) I am 23

6. How Tall is Mom?

Mackenzie- Big
Kylie- too little, I am 5'9"

7. What does Mom like to do?

Mackenzie- Play with me
Kylie- (too little, Play with the girls and talk to Drew

8. What is Mom's job?

Mackenzie-take me to she loves school
Kylie- too little, being a mom and wife

9. What is Mom's favorite food?

Kylie- too little, hmmm right now Smoothies

10. How do you know Mom loves you?

Mackenzie- she tells me
Kylie- too little, they get told daily lots of hugs and kisses


1. What does Dad always say to you?

Mackenzie- I love you & be good for mom
Kylie- I love you bug (mom said it for her)

2. What makes Dad happy?

Mackenzie-playing with me and ky
Kylie (too little) but dad is happy at home with his family

3. What makes Dad sad?

Mackenzie- Being Away
Kylie- (too little) being away from his family

4. How does Dad make you laugh?

Mackenzie- playing with me
Kylie- (too little) but he puts her on his belly and bounces her up and down

5. How old is Dad?

Mackenzie- i dont know
Kylie- too little, he is 23

6. How tall is Dad?

Mackenzie- big
Kylie- too little, he is 5'10

7. What does Dad like to do?

Mackenzie- play
Kylie- too little, he loves to play with the girls

8. What is Dad's job?

Kylie-too little, he is a mechanic in the army

9. What is Dad's favorite food?

Mackenzie- Sandwhiches (Drew would come home on lunch and make him and her sandwhiches)
Kylie- too little, he likes Mexican Food

10. How do you know Dad loves you?

Mackenzie- My cat tells me (before he left they went to build a bear and she has a hello kitty with a voice recorder in it and its daddys voice saying he loves her misses her and to be a good girl)
Kylie- Too little, she has a bear that says pretty much the same thing

Ya, we really enjoyed that! I tag.......... anyone reading this and has kids and hasnt done this