Saturday, June 13, 2009

So Ready

So ready to have my husband home. Enough is enough of this deployment. It has been hard and long and I am so rady for it to be over. I want to move on with our lives. Right now it feels like its on hold. We cant move forward.

Once he is home there will be no more sleeping on the couch because he might get on the computer, no more making sure your cell phone is in reception and always by your side just in case he calls, no more worrying if he is alright as he will be right there be side me. I worry when I dont hear from him when he says he is going to get on or call. It puts me on edge and I get really aggrivated fast. We are so close to him coming home and I am so scared as I know that this is the time that the danger picks up because of new guys coming in, guys getting careless because they know they are going home soon, ect...

Most importantly I want to be a family again. I need/want my husband and the girls want & need there daddy so bad. Everytime there is a plane that Kenzie sees she asks if her dad is on it, or when he will be home, why is he away, ect.. We have drove by where his company is a few times since Drew left (its all the way on the other side of post) and Kenzie remember that is where daddy left from and asks if we are going to get daddy now. She pulls at my heart all the time.