Friday, December 5, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

That seems to be me lately. There is always something that needs to be done. I feel exhausted. I put up some decorations out side and I put the tree up this week. No decoration on it yet. maybe in another week or so. the girls are doing good. Kylie seems to be talking alot more today she said, "Yes" She has been doing the shake her head Yes but today she said it. :) She has mastered saying Wonder what little girl she got that from. haha Kenzie is doing good. She still loves school. She is also talking more and alot more clearly. She has come so far already. She is very much looking forward to Christmas. She saw Santa early this week at School and asked him for.......A Puppy. She so wants a puppy but thats not going to happen right now. If you ask her what she wants for christmas she will tell you a puppy. In the Mall here there is a pet store we HAVE to go in there if we are there because she wants to see the puppys. She also knows that at petsmart they have dogs (on weekends they have adoptions for dogs there) so she crys when we dont go in. I told her she has to talk to Daddy when he is on R&R. Speaking of which is a little over 2 months away! There are days where I blink and the day is gone and then there are days that drag on forever. I have LOTS of New Pictures of the girls to upload and will soon...I hope. We have a Christmas party tomarrow with the unit FRGs. So I am making cake balls for that...I have burned my fingers from the steam of the hot water...ouch. I will take Pictures so you all can see what they look like. I am exhausted lately. I think my Iron is low, need to make a doctors appt but keep forgeting. Got a stupid citation yesterday because my garbage can was left out on the curb for longer then they like apperently. Well Darn it I would of moved it had it had wheels! somehow when they picked up my trash on Tuesday the wheels went too. Not sure how it happened but I called Wed. and they came and fixed it yesterday. Glad it was just a citation and not a fine...which if it was I would have Drew is doing good as far as I know. He is on a mission so I havent talked to him since monday or tuesday and was getting pretty worried but she shot me an email this morning saying he was on a mission and could call me when he got back. But I have no clue when that will be. Well got to go make more cake balls will post pictures this weekend.....hopefully


A Cherry Family said...

Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Yeah for Kenzie & Kylie!