Monday, November 24, 2008


Seriously Pissed off!

Today after picking up kenzie from school I had some errands to run. As I was heading home I went under the over past and was preparing to turn left to get on the highway. Well I seen 3 teenagers walking along the side (not somewhere anyone should be walking) well I figured they would stop as my light was green and I was driving (I was doing about 20 mph) and just as I start to turn and am the middle of the turn and intersection they stepped out in front of me, they didn't even look. I slammed on my brakes and horn, the car behind me slammed on there brakes and I heard the screeching of there tires. The fucking teenagers look at me like I am a complete idiot and flip me the bird. UGH! WTF is wrong with teenagers?? They could of been hit, I could of been hit by the car behind me (I am sure they weren't expecting me to put on my breaks like I did) I I was hit those teens would of been hearing an ear full from me. I am sorry but he are going to be reckless with your life fine but you cause injury weather intentional or not you will pay.

Some teenagers are so flippen reckless and stupid and have no regard for anyone around them. Sorry I had to vent