Thursday, May 28, 2009

Army Wife

Being an army wife isnt easy. Your soldier works LONG hours, Everyday is different then the last, one day he could be right there beside you and the next in a country so very far away. The first few days/weeks you live by the phone and computer afraid to go out, because you know the moment you do you will miss that very important call/IM from him. If you do miss that call you heart sinks, you beat yourself up about leaving, you sit, wait, pray, and hope he will IM or call you again soon. You wonder how your going to do it without your best friend and husband by your side. But you take it one day at a time. Even though you feel like time is standing still, time is still going by. Holdiays, Birthdays, Anniversarys still happen. You put on a smile for the kids but deep down inside your heart broken because your husband isnt there to be apart of those memories and moments. You never get a break or time for you there is always something to do, someoen to take care of. Once a routine is established with your soldier being online/calling. When that routine is broken your scared and worried. Praying that everything is okay. You live for that IM and Phone Call. Its what keeps you going. You treasure the moments and time you are able to be with your soldier even if they are short. The saying absences makes the heart grow true. Your marriage is tested each time they are away but in the end we come out stronger then we went in. I love my soldier and I am so proud to be his wife threw thick and thin, no matter what life brings we can over come it as long as we are together.


MarksMomma said...

Beautifully said!