Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I feel like

I feel Like a bobin you know the ones you fish with. I feel like I just got my head above the water with the whole housing issue. Only today to log onto my checking account online and see a fraud charge. Its not for a small amount either. Our car payment hasnt gone through yet (1st payment) and its been 11 days last thursday I called and they said it had gone threw but the bank wasnt showing it. So I have to call about that dont need my car being reposed over a mistake on someones part. Just when things starting working out and I feel comfortable. I get draged back under the water. It sucks, so now my debit card is canceled which leaves me with no cash. Glad I have a credit card (even though we are trying to pay it off) just in case. I used the last of my cash this morning to get some gadorade and bananas because Kenzie is sick. I want my life back, Since we have moved here its been total crazyness. The past 3 months have been the worst. The other day I was listening to the radio in the car and it was a country song and it says something about her driving baby in the back seat. She was going to fast hit some ice. She then throws her hands up and prays for Jeaus to take the wheel. Well I am throwing my hands up and hoping for him to show me the way because I feel so lost in all this.


MarksMomma said...

Oooooh, Steph, so sorry to hear that you are being hit with yet another crisis! Hope the bank etc. gets everything figured out - I am sure they will... you with USAA or a different bank?
*hugs* - sorry I haven't been online much, things have been so busy... but I'll make a point of being at least near the computer tomorrow, to see if you're on.
God bless you and give you strength!

A Cherry Family said...

Good luck with everything! I hate banks. I'm just grateful that he bank we have now has been really good to us. I hope everything gets better. Love ya!

Emily said...

That just sucks so much. I am so sorry

madrebull said...

Okay so I'm bad at checking this blog and just found out u can't get cash. Can I send you any? What will help?