Monday, October 20, 2008

Yeah SO not going to work

Okay so while I was out today the guy came to put the new toilet in. (I have a paper stating they can enter to fix/repair things if I am not home)

So I get home (was gone from about 9:30 to 4:30) and checked the bathroom sure enough new toilet. Didnt inspect it or anything just seeing if it got fixed. Came downstairs looked in the laundry room still a open hole.

Well I gave the girls a bath after dinner and was washing kylies hair andKenzie says look I turn my head and she is holding a piece of floor .

As you can tell the toilet is smaller then the old one he filled in the gap with caulk (sp?)

The broken piece (the triangle) was what Kenzie was holding...I am not sure if she broke it off or it was like that...I tried to put it back in place as the caulk is still wet. Oh and you can tell the floor has warped

Under the broken piece

Another piece of floor sticking up and warped

Now the subfloor (i think thats what it is called) is wet still. and it is warping....This is not the first time this has happened as when we moved it there was already damage in the laundry room ceiling and the guy said the same thing when he saw the ceiling. I know nothing about this stuff but with the floor warping, ect... could my toilet fall through the ceiling since everything in there is till wet and soft? I refuse to use it till it is fixed also this is problem too because even if it was left like that the bathtub is only about a foot away (or less) and the girls splash...its going to continue to get wet and drip into the floor/ceiling.