Friday, October 17, 2008

Kylie Bug is Sick

When it rains it pours.......lets pray it doesnt start flooding

I have been trying since Wed. to get Kylie into the Dr. She has had a cough for a month (when she first got it, it was bad tried for a week straight to get her in they always had no appts.) Her cough got better though it was going away. Tuesday night it got worse so Wed. call NO appts, thursday No appts, Today No appts. Yesterday and today I spoke with 2 different peds drs. and the first told me sounds like she has ashma or walking pnemonia told me she needs to get seen to keep calling to see if anything opens up, I called and called nothing. Today spoke with a differnt dr who told me there is a walk in clinic saturday and sunday or if I felt the need to take her to the ER. Well I decided not to wait after my 3yo got out of school we headed to the ER . We were only there for 4 hours on a firday I think that is a new record. We did X rays of her lungs.
Well she is being diagnosed with a viral infection (this morning she woke up with a rash). She can not diagnose ashma that needs to be done with testing and a peds care. No problem if we could get in to see a dr! So that covers her cough, runny nose, and rash

Well last night I noticed what I though was a bug bite on her head no big deal. Or so I thought this morning the 1 bug bite multiplied and was covering a area of her hair. The er dr. had to go get another dr to confirm. She has Ring worm on her head and on top of the ring worm she has a bacterial infection. Because of the location of the ring worm that cant do a cream (which is how its normally treated) . She has to be on a oral med. Only this med can cause liver damage and she needs to be monitored by a ped. for the next 6 weeks while she is on the meds (yes 2 times a day for 6 weeks for ringworm) She is on another oral meds for the bacterial infection. Thinking she got the ring worm when we went to the pumpkin patch and they were playing in the hay pile

Now back to her cough from the sounds of it and her history of frequent coughs (she had a cough from Jan. to May none stop I kept getting told it was a cold or viral infaction) The Er dr thinks other wise. She think it could be 1 or all 3 of these Ashma, Allergies, and she could still have GERD but it is Silent now. She needs to be seen by a reg. ped 1 all the time no bouncing from dr to dr like the military likes to do. So I HAVE to get her in on Monday and have a ER paper stating so.

I am worried about my Kylie Bug


MarksMomma said...

Hugs for the Kylie bug, and for you, too! Hope they figure out what's wrong with her!