Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Update on Kylie Bug & I Look what I found

Monday after noon I took Kylie to the doctors. We actaully seen 2 different doctors. 1 doctor and 1 resident. They were both awesome. The dr was very concerned with Kylie persistant cough (its been a month now). Kylie is now on allergy meds. Dr said to give those a week and if her cough doesnt improve or gets worse to bring her back.

Well that got me thinking was there anything I have done different this past month, ect.. change anything, ect... I light bulb went off in my head for the past month the heater has been getting turned on and off as needed. For the past week it was pretty much on every night (had it set so when the house got below 70 the heater would kick on). Well Kylies cough was always worse at night.

I went in the Laundry room (where the heater unit is located) and looked around got a chair checked the whole in the ceiling where there was the water damage (there had been damage done before we moved in too).

Thid is what I found..................MOLD!

This is right next to the heater unit...More mold and I cant view behind it but my guess is there is more mold. So obviously its not just where the water damage is

So as of right now I refuse to use the heater because IMO turning on the heater is just spreading more spores and making Kylie worse. Well nights are getting chilly so the girls got warm jammies on and an extra blanket.

Tuesday Morning after I droped off Kenzie at school, I went to the community center and filed a report. The guy that helped me Called and told me someone would be out to look at it today (it was about 8am at that point) Well 2:20 came around and I had to go pick up Kenzie at school so I left a note on the door hoping they wouldnt come when I was gone. Well when I got home an hour later nothing. It was 3:30 so I called the matience line and the guy is telling me no one put a request in, ect.. and that the soonest someone could come out was Thursday. I was pretty livid and fustrated at this point. I kinda turned into a bitch. I hung up on him and called the guy at the community center I spoke with that morning and he said there was report in and gaveme the reference # and said he would call and see what was up. He called me back about 5 minutes later and told me someone would be out in about 15-20 minutes.

About 4 minutes later there was a knock at the door. Matience! I showed him the damage in the laundry room along with the mold and explained my concern about the mold and heater. I then took him upstairs and showed him the bathroom floor. (2 posts down for whats up with that)

Well the Full bathroom Floor and Sub Floor need to be ripped out and replaced. The sub floor is indeed warping and starting to buckle. Well he asked to see the master bath (God my room was a mess as I am cleaning out the storage room and going through he asked if we just moved in because there was boxes everywhere) he said our bathroom floor and sub floor needs to be replaced as it is buckling. (the full bath and our bath share a wall) so the structure in our bath was damaged too. He turned off the full bathroom toilet just in case there was still a pipe leaking.

He then got a special spray and cleaned up the ceiling and sprayed the mold in there.

The taken down and replaced

Okay when can you do this? Well there are 15 other families in front of me before they get to me a time frame 3-4 weeks (knowing the army probably longer)

later that evening the guy I was talking with this morning brough me a paper for the girls dr to file out so I can have the air in the house tested and he took pictures of what it looks like now (after all the clean up) So I offered to have pictures of the before printed. Okay well I read the paper if there PCM sees it neccisary for them to see a specialist for allergies then she/he can refer them (obisiously we now know Kylie is and would be, Kenzie has no signs of allergies or exposure) Once refered that dr can do its tests, ect.. and can request housing to have the air quality control test done.

I called today to see about getting the girls in the next avaible appt. is Nov. 19th!!!!!!!!!!! thats a month away by the time the referal got in to see a specilist and appt made it will be the end of the year or begining of next year! Umm I dont think so. I will not use my heater that means no heater this winter. Yeah SO not going to work.

So this morning I went back to the community center and spoke with the head guy. He had an idea as to what was going on already. So I filled him in about kys allergies ect... and how I cant get them into the dr. till the 19th of next month, ect.. He said hw will call the hospital and have them come out and do an air quality control test. He told me they will get back to him in 48 hours to set up the appt so come out. Good so I dont have to wait months to see different drs, ect.. So depending on what the tests says I may be moving or not.

Now that Kylie is on the meds and the heat isnt going her coughing isnt as bad but she is still coughing. So it is a slight improvement from where she was.

If you got this far thanks for reading my book.....LOL