Saturday, February 21, 2009

I was not ready for this

This afternoon after the kids I was watch went home. I decided to Jump in the shower before Kylie got up from her nap. As it was getting to be about that time. I was in the shower less the 20 minutes. I walk out the door. Kylies door is open, Kylie is NOT in her crib, I heard her down stairs with kenzie (who was suppose to be on the couch watching Barney). I go down there and bring both girls back upstairs. Ask Kenzie how Kylie got out of her Crib. She said she climbed out. So I stuck Kylie in her crib and sure enough the little monkey climbed back out. I figure Kylie opened her door (it doesnt shut all the way) and went down the stairs. But it came out later that Kenzie went in Kylies room and thats why Kylie came out and climbed out and they went down stiars together. Little shits. So I headed to Toys R Us and got a baby gate to block off the hallway going towards the stairs. I converted her crib to a toddler bed and put a railing on it so she doesnt fall out. My baby is getting so big.